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Rehab report

Rehab report of ArboVita consists of the following elements:

  • Determination of impairment of functionality in relation to the ability to work.
  • Possible workplace or function-oriented inspection when necessary.
  • Counseling in case of reintegration and/or assistance in the search for suitable work and education

During a medical examination partial disability caused by illness or complaints has been observed. By medical examination will be determined to which extend impediments occur when taking part in the work process. The purpose is to get a clear sight on the time scheme in which the employer concerned is able to return to his workplace. The REA-test (reintegration work-disabled) is part of the inspection.

Conclusions after examination

  1. The employee experiences obstacles during work as a result of illness or disability;
  2. The employee encounters obstacles while partially performing his/her work;
  3. The employee does not experience any obstacles in the performance of his/her work;
  4. The employee is no longer incapacitated for work and is fully able to resume his/her work.

The labour expert will write a report, providing counsel.

The reintegration inquiry

The reintegration inquiry is intended for those who are completely or partially no longer able to perform their current work, but for whom suitable work can be found.

Reintegration vision:

The reintegration vision is an elaboration on the labour expert’s assessment and provides an indication of the actions needed to improve the employee’s chances on the labour market.

Herewith, the labour expert gives a general overview of the steps to be taken by the employee concerned, in order to rejoin the labour process as quickly and efficiently as possible. (It is investigated whether this concerns the current activities or should be new activities with a possible new employer.)

In the reintegration vision, the possible actions are described in outline, including:

  • Reintegration opportunities and feasibility;
  • Education, professional desire, motivation and presentation;
  • Functional impediments, load capacity;
  • Opportunities and possibilities within the regional labour market.

The duration of the reintegration inquiry is four weeks after receipt of the application.

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